Feedback click to leave feedback orscan QR code below Feedback is an essential part to improve services and enable new parents to select high quality care. I have signed up in November 2016 with iWantGreatCare and would be grateful if you could follow the link below and leave a feedback. Alternatively you can search directly on the website under my name. The site is independent from professionals and anonymous. Your support and honest feedback would be very welcome. Complaints Procedure: In case you do want to complain about any issue of my care or advice given please also email me directly or send this in writing to my address. I will do my best to acknowledge receipt within the next working day (except holidays) and provide a full response within two working weeks (except holidays). Complaints Procedure Average score iWantGreatCare AS OF 01 May 2024 Recommend 99% Trust 99% Listening 99% Recent Awards Dr Muller has been awarded the iWantGreatCare Certificate of excellence every year since 2018see all awards and achievements