
from Jan 2025

£250 New patient or new complaint outpatient appointment (30 min)

£240 Follow up appointment for recent complaint (30 min = standard)

£155 Follow up appointment (15 min = on specific request at the time of booking)

£150 Vaccination appointment without consultation (not including the cost for the vaccine itself)
£75 Vaccination administration during an appointment for a  consultation (not including the cost for the vaccine itself)

£300-£450 Out of hours Appointment [weekdays after 20:00 and weekends/bank holidays]

£300-£400 New patient or new complaint outpatient appointment (30-60 min)

£75-£250 additional fee for Home Visit

Telephone Clinic:
Appointments through insurance will be charged at the standard ‘face to face rate’ outlined above

£80 -£200  self pay
£80 up to 10 min
£150 up to 20 min
£220 up to 30 min
£40-£110 additional fee for out of hours, weekends/bank holidays telephone consultations

Confirmed Emergency appointments and Home Visits will be charged a minimum cancellation fee of £60 and full charge if cancellation is within 3 hours of the appointment.

Normal working hours: Weekdays 08:00 - 20:00
Out of hours: Weekdays 20:00 - 08:00, Weekends and Bank Holidays


Please note no investigations can be performed without a consultation*1)

all Laboratory blood tests offered by The Doctors Laboratory [TDL] are available directly through Dr W Muller Ltd (please ask for prices)

£250 Lung function with Bronchodilator response [BDR]

£210 Lung function without Bronchodilator response [LFT]

£150 Measurement of Exhaled Nitric Oxide [FeNO]

£230 Measurement of nasal Nitric Oxide [nNO]

£250 Skin prick test [SPT]

£210 Electrocardiogram [ECG]

£40 Urine Analysis [UA]

£45 blood glucose estimation [BM]

£75 Paediatric phlebotomy < = 3 years old [IBT]

£60 Paediatric phlebotomy > 3 years old [PBT]

£10-20 additional charge FOR ANY INVESTIGATIONS out of hours 


*1)  Note:
Usually the first consultation is required to determine what tests if any are necessary. Interpreting the results and discussing the results will be in a follow up consultation and cannot be part of the initial consultation unless the results are instantly available.

In rare cases tests are ordered in advance of an appointment especially if the problem is known or the child has been seen by another doctor. Further tests are always selected carefully. Requesting, arranging and chasing of tests require a considerable effort and time. Therefore these results will not be released without a consultation to discuss these. If in exceptional circumstances a consultation is not possible a fixed charge for the service of arranging the tests will also apply and is usually £100-150.

£75 Prescription without consultation

£75 Medical Certificate

£75 Vaccination Record Review with recommendation (no cost if prior to a vaccination appointment)

£55 Document certification (plus £15 for each additional page)

Short stay observatio
£ 100 for 30 minutes
£200 for 0.5-3 hours
£300 for 3-4 hours
£400 for over 4 hours

£100 monitoring during Nebulisation

£125 Emergency intravenous/intramuscular antibiotic administration

£350 release of tongue tie

£350 incision and drainage of single abscess

£75 Vaccination administration during consultations

Vaccination consultation (see Appointments)